Saturday, May 21, 2011

no more preschool for my big girl

Kenna had her last day of preschool today. I can't believe it. She is so excited to start Kindergarten. She loves school and she loves learning new things. I could not have asked for a better, sweeter, smarter, more beautiful little girl. =)

For the last day of school everybody got to bring their favorite toy for show and tell.

Kenna's class

On her first day of school for this past year

On her first day ever of preschool  in August of 09'

To celebrate Kenna's last day I took her to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie (she's been wanting to see it since she first saw the previews). So she got dressed all "pirately", as she said, in one of her Cyprus Pirate shirts, her dress up pirate pants and a bandanna type thing. =) She looked so cute! Thanks to Shelli and Hina for coming with us!

1 comment:

The Hafoka Family said...

She is growing up too fast! Congrats cute kenners!