Thursday, December 15, 2011

blast from the past

So this is something I don't really talk about on my blog. My kids dad, Poko (Sione).
I was looking at some old pics on my computer and I came across this one...
6 years ago this boy and girl were the most important people to me

This was taken 6 years ago yesterday ( I remember because it was on my brother's birthday). I CANNOT believe how much my life has changed in the last 6 years because of this man. Six days after this picture was taken we found out I was pregnant with McKenna. It's been a whirlwind since then.
As much as I cannot stand him and as crazy as he makes me. I am so grateful for him. I'm very hard on him. We've put each other through a lot over the last 6 years. Good and bad. Probably I should be clear in saying that we are NOT together. I just  wanted everyone to know what a hard worker he is and  how grateful I am for him.
Because of him, I am a mommy. Something that I always wanted to be. So Thank you Poko (like you even read this lol).
Now, it's this boy and girl that are the most important. 

1 comment:

G J G J said...

You are a beautiful and wonderful Mommy! I love how much you love your little sweeties!