Thursday, October 28, 2010

just a little update

I can NOT believe how fast this freakin year is goin by! I am more than ready for this semester to be over already! Bah I've never been more unmotivated in my life and I'm hoping I don't feel the same way next semester. I may or may not be getting a job at Kohl's doing ad set. I did this about 3 years ago, it's easy and the hours aren't bad. I've gone a few dates here and there and we'll just have to see how things go. =) Other than that there's nothing too new with me.
Kenna is loving school, at least one of is. She recently learned how to float in a swimming pool. She is so excited for Halloween! She's going to be Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon... I'll post pictures later. I can't believe how tall she's getting and how smart she is. It makes me kinda sad and a little baby hungry, but not that hungry!

I am so excited to be surprising McKenna with a trip to Disneyland in 12 days!!! She is gonna be the happiest girl that ever was! We're flying into Long Beach on November 9th early in the morning and we'll hit up the park that day and the 10th and then come home on the 11th. I am so looking forward to seeing her reactions to things in the park. I myself haven't been to Disneyland in over 13 years. We're lucky to have my mom, dad and grandpa coming with us! It's gonna be fun!

1 comment:

The Sweets said...

I'm So jealous!! You are going to have a ton of fun with that little girl! I can't wait to see your pictures! Have fun!