Friday, March 23, 2012

soccer mom, etc...

As mentioned in previous updates, Kenna is playing soccer. She loves it! I honestly NEVER wanted any of my kids to play soccer. Only because it's one of my least favorite sports. However, I have decided that I LOVE watching anything involving my kids. That includes soccer. Especially when 5-6 year old kids are involved. So I'm OK with being a soccer mom.
Up until last week her team had been whomped on every game. Usually because there is 1 really good kid on the other team. Last week was the Tigers time to shine. They won 5-1! Kenna even had an assist! She gets better every week! One of the weeks she tried her hand at goalie. She stopped 2 goals and 2 got in. She didn't want to be goalie after that. She wants to play t-ball after soccer and I am ecstatic about it!
Kenna with her cheerleaders =) 
What the craziest kicker ever? 
After this is when she decided she didn't want to goalie anymore. Happens to the best of them! 
I am so proud of my big girl!!!

Sulli weighs 15 lbs and is 25 3/8 inches long. He is in the 16th and 19th percentile. I love my little skinny boy! It is weird having a tiny baby. Kenna was always in the 90th percentile. Sulli loves eating and his spitting is almost nonexistent! Anyways, here are some of the latest Sulli pics.
This was the day our cat "Chloe" (the ugliest cat ever) had her babies. We could tell she was going to have them because she was acting weird and actually letting Sulli touch her. She'd even lick him when he cried. (gross) 
Little dude is ready for summer! 

Now here are some pics from Kenna's Cheer performance...

Here are some "Just because" pics...

The kids with the kittens... 
Sulli's first time holding a kitten 
He was mad because Kenna was taking the kitten away from him. lol

On St. Patrick's Day The kids went up to what Kenna calls "Bombox" (Boondocks), for their cousin Suka's birthday party. Kenna had a blast and lucked into over 1200 tickets and got to get some awesome prizes! She also got to ride the bumper boats and go carts with her dad and played laser tag with me.

And just for good measure, here's Sulli on his first St. Patty's day and Kenna on hers. =)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

worst blog updater ever?

Yeah, probably not. The best? Definitely not!

Anyways we have had a relatively good and calm first 3 months of the year.

Kenna was off track in January and goes off again in April. She has only been able to really play in the snow a couple of days this Winter, she's pretty bummed about that. Kenna and I got a membership to the Aquarium. We have been once and need to go again. Kenna participated in Cyprus's mini-cheer program again and did Great performing during a boys basketball game! She just started playing indoor soccer two weeks ago and so far likes it. The games are HILARIOUS to watch! Kenna loves helping with her brother. She likes to feed him and will even change non-poopy diapers. She especially loves to make him laugh. Which she does quite easily. She bore her testimony today in church all by herself and did a wonderful job! I am so proud of her. =)

Sulli is growing so fast! He had his 4 month check up and weighed 12 lbs 12 oz and was 25.5 inches long. He's much bigger now. He is eating solid baby food and LOVES it! I just introduced him to mac & cheese...big hit. Sulli can almost sit up by himself. He is super tickelish and loves to laugh. He watches his sister like a hawk and thinks she's the funniest thing ever. He is ridiculously handsome. He is such a good boy and I think he'll be getting some teeth here pretty soon. I love being his mommy. =)

I have been genuinely trying to lose weight since the end of Feburary. So far, so good. My goal is to get back to my pre Sulli pregnancy weight by the 26th of this month (because Sulli will be 6 months old). I would LOVE to get back to my pre Kenna pregnancy weight by the time he's one, but I'll take what I can get. I invested in an excersize bike and do that while Kenna is at school and Sulli is napping. I had been in a major funk up until the end of February, but am feeling much better now.  I am still working with Bev and am still loving it. She is great! I am loving watching my kids grow and interact with oneanother. 

Maybe I'll add some pics next time. Sorry I'm much too lazy right now.

Monday, January 9, 2012

new year

Our New Years Eve was rather simple. The kids dad came down and we took the kids to get their pictures taken at Penny's, went to the Olive Garden for lunch/dinner (lunner?) and then he had to take the car back for his parents. So it was just me and the kids for awhile. Kenna and I went out and did sparklers and then we made some noise makers/time capsule/resolution holders while Sulli had a staring contest with a toy fish. Don't worry, my kids were both asleep before 10! Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

sicky sickersons

Ever since McKenna started Kindergarten and the colder weather hit, we have been involved in a non-stop sick-a-thon. As soon as the 3 of us get better...Kenna brings something new home that one of her friends is kind enough to give her (or maybe she's just rude enough to take, either way). I then get it and then poor little Sulli boy gets it. I know it just comes with the territory of having a child that goes to school, but it SUCKS! I really don't care so much about me getting sick, it's my kids that I feel bad for. Especially Sulli. Its soo sad! Anyways...

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas! I LOVE being able to spend so much time with family!

I love making gifts. I made some stuffed owls for Kenna's friends and some hand scrub for my friends.
On the 22nd we had our Simons family party!
On the 23rd we had dinner at my Uncle Cory's house.

On Christmas Eve, Kenna spread out reindeer food (oats and sparkles) so the "big guy" could find our house, Sulli was a good boy and I had to go to Walmart twice. Grandpa Pete and my Uncle Cory came over for dinner and Kenna got to open 1 gift (jammies). We tracked Santa online so we knew when Kenna had to be to bed.
Here's how our Christmas day went-

6:30- Sulli woke up, I fed and changed him and we waited for Kenna to wake up.
7:00- KENNA woke up!
7:01- we went upstairs to wake up Grandma and Grandpa
7:05- we open presents
8:10- my camera pooped out and my mom let me borrow hers
8:15- we eat and get ready for church
10:00- Church
2:00- the kids daddy comes
2:05- more presents
5:00- opened presents and had dinner at Grandpa Pete's house
9:00- more gift admiration and assembly of some things
10:00- bed time
 Kenna got EVERYTHING that was on her "nist". Sulli got an exersaucer from daddy. I'm still cleaning up the mess. =)